Do you believe in humanities biggest problem?
So what is our biggest problem?
Climate Change?
Resource Consumption?
Population growth?
Food security?
The list of problems and opinions is endless.
Humans try to oversimplify everything. The planet is a highly complex system.
We do not have one biggest problem, we have many big problems.
This is not a competition. Be open to Cooperate with other problem solvers.
Are you aware of all your actions?
Do you understand the reasons behind all of them?
Are you aware and in control of your thoughts?
What about other people?
Most of the actions we do and thoughts we have are not in our control. And we do not understand the reasons behind them.
Keep this in mind when dealing with other people. It is the same for them as for you.
Is there one right answer?
Do you believe in perfect answers?
In school we learn that there is a right answer to a problem. In real life this is rarely the case.
There are usually several solutions for the same problem. There are different perspectives and priorities. Alternative approaches and values.
Problems are one big gray blob and not black or white.
Have you experienced a breaking moment?
A moment where suddenly things have become clear.
Clear on what you need to do.
Often these are life changing decisions.
But they only become a breaking moment, if you act on the clarity.
Are you living the life you truly strive for?
Or are you caught in some sort of a dream?
Maybe even a nightmare?
Or just something similar to what you want, but "safer"?
Often we lead a life that we think we should. What others think we should. What society expects of us.
When will you take the step in the direction you belong? When will you step out of the shadow and into the light?
Do you cling to a legacy?
Maybe your ancestors?
Maybe your parents?
Maybe your own?
Why are you so fascinated with the past?
What about the future?
Let bygone be bygone, be here right now and plan ahead. Use a legacy, but do not let it shackle or cripple you. Learn from it, but do not worship it.
Are you aware of your liabilities?
Not just your debt. The morgage on your home.
Are there people you are responsible for?
Any contracts to keep?
Any illnesses or genetic disorders?
Take stock of your personal liabilities, it is worth it.
Does the bad mood of another person affect you?
Why do you let it?
You can choose whether to be a mirror or a black hole.
However, it is not easy. By staying calm and within yourself, you can change the situation. Let your own mood be mirrored back to you. And choose to be a mirror when the other person's mood serves you.
Do you regularly enjoy nature?
Why not?
Do you at least spend plenty of time outside every day?
Why not?
Nature does wonders to relax us. Daily sunlight is a powerful nutrient.
You will be able to shoulder more if you make sure you get both of them.
Have you had a bad day?
Or even a terrible week?
Maybe a horrible month?
A year... a decade...
Life is a roller coaster. Stay on the lookout for the times that go up. For the opportunities that can trigger a period of joy. Diamonds are made under pressure and when they get in contact with the sun they shine and glitter.
What is the most subtractable thing in your life?
Why do you still cling to it?
What could you do with the resources that are tight up there?
What is stopping you from getting rid of it?
It can serve to question how things are and to imagine improvements. To add new things to your life you are well advised to subtract something first.
How do you assess if you should take a job?
Do you compare your values with the clients/employers?
That can be hard to accomplish, so we default to what we get paid.
How much is one day of unhappiness worth to you? Put a number on it.
Do they pay more than the unhappiness will cost you? It might be worth the shot.
Do you take others' problems upon yourself?
Why do you do it?
Because you feel responsible? Because you want to help?
Helping is not the same as taking on responsibility.
People need to be responsible for their problems.
Especially within your family. Don't be the fixer of your social group. Try to enable other people to fix their problems. To own their problems.
This is a penguin.
We all know what a penguin is, right?
Are you sure about that?
Ever wondered if the same word, means the same for everyone?
And what emotions are attached to it?
Associations with words can differ significantly. This can make communication tricky. For some a penguin is cute and for some, it is an abomination.
Do you have unclear situations in your life?
How do you feel about them?
What is stopping you from making them clear?
Ambiguous circumstances, relationships or conditions are poisonous. They create unhealthy tensions.
Try to make everything clear, crystal clear. Clarity is a superpower, so use it.
Do you experience sudden drops in energy levels?
What did you do before that?
Did you eat something?
Did you drink something?
Did you perform any tasks?
Don't just rationalize your energy slouches away. Take the time to analyse them. There surely is a reason for them and there surely is a solution to avoid them.
What is the one radical decision...
...that would change your life?
Forget all the obligations you have.
Forget all the anxieties you have.
Forget all the advice you are given.
Forget all the rules that stop you.
Write it down and figure out the way forward.
Do the criteria of others seem weird to you?
Do their goals make no sense in your mind?
Maybe you miss something?
Other perspectives may make these points valid and worth aiming for.
It helps to ask, why someone is trying to achieve something, before making any assumptions about it.
Something you need to do...
But you don't feel like it?
How long will it take you?
Less than two minutes or more?
If it is less than 2 minutes, get up and do it. You can thank yourself later.
How often do you need to change plans, due to people?
Due to someone else not being able to decide something?
Or changing their priorities?
Or someone who just talks and talks and talks?
Or who is simply late to a meeting?
There is a host of reasons, why you can not plan predictably when people are involved. Keep some flexibility in your plans and carry on.