Do you feel rushed?
Where does the feeling come from?
Are you rushing yourself?
Or is someone else rushing you?
Do you have a good reason to rush?
We tend to rush things we do.
Sometimes we are just impatient.
Sometimes others are pushing us to rush.
Take a moment and review, if rushing this is really in your own interest.
Are you going through hardship?
How hard is it for you?
Are you the only one?
How hard is it for others?
How does your struggle compare?
Our struggles can seem enormous to us.
The hardships can be exhausting.
However, many others manage much worse.
If they can, so can you.
Do you resent someone?
Why, what happened?
What did you do to contribute?
Could you reconcile?
Is the person important to you?
What would need to happen?
If the person were to die soon, would that change anything?
Often, we resent someone for good reasons.
In the grand scheme of life, those reasons might be minute.
Our ego can stand in the way of reconciliation.
Don't wait till it is too late.
Do you enjoy helping others?
How much of it do you do?
Do you overextend yourself?
Helping others is amazing.
It produces feel-good hormones and makes us happy.
However, know when to stop.
Striking a balance between your energy and helping others is the key.
Don't let yourself be taken advantage of.
Is something deeply disturbing you?
Maybe a traumatic event?
Maybe a difficult time you went through?
The death of a loved one?
The betrayal of a friend?
Write about it!
What happened?
How does it make you feel?
What effects does it have on you?
What did you learn?
What did you wish were differently?
Do this regularly and you will know bliss.
Is the past holding you back?
Why so?
Did someone betray you?
Did someone hurt your feelings?
Did you make mistakes?
Why are you ruminating about it?
The past is the past, dwelling on it will ruin your future.
Learn from the past and move on.
Every time you spend time in the past, you stop moving forward.
Move forward!
Are you serious all the time?
Or can you have some fun?
Can you be humorous?
Also in serious situations?
Everyone deserves to have fun.
More so in times of stress.
Go out with friends.
Do not resent your missfortunes.
Have a laugh about them.
Do you act immediately upon events?
Or do you take time to decide?
Can you take time?
Do you want to take the time?
You always have more time than you think.
Some decisions need to be made fast.
Others can take time.
Often, you can watch things unfold before choosing a direction.
Act at the appropriate time, not too fast and not too slow.
Are you standing in your own way?
You refuse to change what you need to change?
You persist on others changing instead?
Often we can only change ourselves.
We have no control over others.
Often they will continue their behaviour.
You can only adapt how you react to it.
Keep your cool and not engage in their shenanigans.
Do you betray yourself?
Do you say yes too often?
Do you say no too little?
Do you say yes or no to the wrong things?
Do you break promises with yourself?
How does this all feel?
Betraying yourself is terribly painful.
It breeds depression and resentment.
Start small, get accountability partners and change your environment.
What role are you in?
Are you the victim?
Are you the perpetrator?
Are you the rescuer?
Maybe a bit of everything?
How are you perceived by others vs yourself?
By engaging in these roles, you cannot be authentic.
You need to find balance in order to be yourself.
Take a deep breath and find that balance.
You expected something...
And it happens.
But you are still surprised!
Why is that?
Did you still hope for something else?
Die you still fear something else?
Did you work through your feelings?
Even an expected event can still hit us very hard.
Go easy on yourself and take the time to process it.
Do you fear trying things out?
Do you fear going after your dream?
Maybe you might fail?
Either way, you will have an answer.
You might need to tweak something.
You might need to learn more.
You might need to try harder.
You might just not have had a good idea.
Without trying, you will never know.
Are your mistakes forgiven?
If not, then why?
If yes, then why?
How do you handle things?
How do you deal with mistakes?
Do you take ownership?
Do you act with integrity?
A mistake doesn't burn relationships.
It's how you behave and act that does.
Your project partner fails to deliver...
what do you do?
Do you get angry?
Do you feel disrespected?
Do you make demands?
Do you get aggressive towards the other party?
Life is a roller coaster, for everyone.
Sometimes things don't work out as intended.
Speak about it and find solutions.
But don't let yourself be taken advantage of.
Who are you talking to?
Are you talking to the right person?
Do they have the authority to make a decision?
Do they know what they are talking about?
Do they know the right people?
What is their agenda?
Often we waste time and energy with the wrong person.
Just knocking on the next door can move you forward.
Make sure you talk to the right person.
Do you produce drama?
Do you tend to be complicated?
Why do you do it?
Is it a need for attention?
Are you trying to fill a void?
You don't have your emotions under control?
Your drama wastes other people's time and energy.
Do you like your time and energy to be wasted by others?
Are you prepared for death?
Have you written your final will?
Have you put everything in order for the inheritors?
Have you made lists of your accounts, assets and contracts?
Why not? Are you too young? Are you scared?
Death can come at any minute.
So be ready to leave in an orderly fashion.
Prepare now and enjoy the ride without worries.
#familybusiness #lastwill #dailythoughts
Do you pay it forward?
Have people in your life helped you?
Have they gone out of their way to do so?
How much of your success is built on this?
Do you do the same?
What goes around, comes around.
Help those you want to help, who you feel can need it and deserve it.
And then enjoy the show.