Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do your emotions stand in the way?

In the way of finding agreements?

In the way of seeing solutions?

In the way of finding common ground?

In the way of listening?

In the way of thinking clearly?

Sometimes we cannot see the obvious solution, due to emotionality.

Take out the emotions and if you can't listen to advisors.

Emotions and negotiations are not friends.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you want something, yet you do not?

Are the upsides appealing, but the downsides scare you?

Do you have two goals and need to chose one?

We all have intrapersonal conflict, conflict with ourselves.

It is normal to have, so don't break a sweat if you do.

Sometimes there are innovative solutions and sometimes not.

Ruminating about things won't help.

Take a leap of faith or get some outside perspectives.

Negotiating with yourself is the ultimate negotiation.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you respect other's decisions?

Do others respect your decisions?

Do you overexplain your reasoning?

Do you demand explanations?

Do you try to talk others out of their decisions?

Do you let others talk you out of your decisions?

Often we need to respect a decision.

Often we need to stay firm on our decision.

It is your right to decide for yourself,

Just as it is another's right to decide for themselves.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you manipulate others?

Do others manipulate you?

Why do you do it?

Are you ashamed of it?

Are your goals malicious?

Do others profit of your manipulation?

Especially the ones you manipulate?

Everyone manipulates others at some point.

Anytime you try to get someone to do what you want, you do.

Often it has benefits for both parties, sometimes it does not.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you time your decisions?

When are you best at making decisions?

When are you worst at making decisions?

Which time of the year?

Which time of the week?

Which time of the day?

We perform differently depending on the timing.

Many decisions we can time for maximum effect.

Some come as they come.

But still you have some control over your timing.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you really want to know...

The answers to your questions?

When you ask how someone is feeling?

When you ask for forecasts?

When you ask for advice?

When you ask for feedback?

Do not ask, if you do not want to know.

You waste your own time and that of the others.

If you want to know, be ready for the answer.

For better or for worse.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Which things are you pushing, that you want to do right now?

What is taking up your time instead?

Why are you doing these other things?

Why? Why? Why?

Do what is important to you, right now.

Do it before it might be too late.

What is the worst that can happen if you do?

The consequences often are just minor.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Are you struggling with a decision?

Is it a hard decision for you?

Is it a critical decision?

Is there a way back from the decision?

Is there someone for whom it might be an easy decision?

Why don't you ask them for advice?

Often a difficult decision for us is easy for someone else.

Someone with more experience.

Find them, and ask for help.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What do you want?

What do you believe?

Do you believe in the things you want?

Or do you want things you don't believe in?

Or do you believe in things you do not want?

If you want something, make sure you believe in it.

This will unconsciously shape how you behave, decide and act.

It will bring you closer to what you want.

For planning purposes, it is good to be pessimistic.

Otherwise, stay optimistic and do your best to get it.

Believe that you deserve the outcome that you wish for.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you hope for the day...

where you have fought all your battles?

The day you can let go and be free and enjoy?

The battles never end!

The more you can handle, the larger they become.

Learn to stand up and do the difficult things.

And get ready for the next round.

For it will come.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you underestimate meeting lengths?

Why does it happen to you?

Do you make assumptions?

Did you ask how long it will take?

Did you communicate how much time you have?

Did you read the required materials beforehand?

When meetings overrun, it is often due to,

Lacking preparation and lacking communication.

Prepare properly and communicate accordingly.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Are there issues waiting for you?

Maybe from past decisions?

Do you worry about the consequences?

How sure are these to come?

Sometimes 100%.

Why wait for them, instead of actively tackling them?

Worrying daily is not helpful.

If you cannot tackle them, you can prepare ahead.

As they say, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

#familybusiness #futureissues #dailythoughts

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you read?

Why not? If yes, do you read enough?

Have you set up your environment for it?

Where do you keep your books?

Do you plan reading time into your day?

Have the right space, optimised for reading.

Put books in places where you wish to read.

Environment and planning are the key.

Read what is important to you.

Read to understand, speed is secondary.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Are you content in all areas of life?

Where are you not?

Why not?

How much effort do you put into it?

Where is it on your priorities list?

What can you do tomorrow to improve?

What can you outsource and delegate?

Priorities and effort can often be enough.

Make a plan and execute and repeat.

One step at a time.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do your actions reflect your values?

What do you do every day?

Do you do the things you say are important?

Do you really?

What things are on your calendar?

The reality of what we do is often radically different to what we say we value.

You can change by doing what you value.

Take the action today.

What is stopping you?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you pay attention to cycles?

Are you moving through cycles?

Do some habits come and go for you?

Does your financial situation move in cycles?

Does your health move in cycles?

Life happens in cycles.

Financial markets work in cycles.

Economies work in cycles.

Everything works in cycles.

Watch the cycles.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How do you define good enough?

Do you go by quality?

Do you go by costs?

Do you go by time spent?

Do you strive for perfection?

Often, we tend to overdo it.

We spend too much money and time on things.

Learn to know when something is good enough.

Stop there and move on.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Someone's comment sets you off.

What triggered you?

Was it uncalled for or toxic?

Does the person do it frequently?

Do they mean ill every time?

How well reflected are they?

What is the result of you getting triggered?

People will make toxic comments.

Don't let these stray you from your path.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Why is that guy looking at you?

Is he looking at you strangely?

Why is he looking at you?

Ok, back up a bit.

Are you sure he is looking at you?

Are you sure his facial expression is hostile?

You are not the center of attention.

Most people are too busy with themselves to worry about you.

Even if you get funny looks, why care about it?

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