Do you pressure others?
To decide what you deem right?
To do what you wish them to?
To sell what you want?
To buy what you want to sell?
How well do these things turn out long-term?
Pressuring people into things delivers short-term gains.
Long-term they produce disaster.
What is achievement?
How do you define it?
What do you need to achieve things?
Have you got the necessary skills?
Do you have the necessary motivation?
Do you put enough effort into it?
Did you pick the right thing to achieve?
Many questions to ask ourselves before we embark on a path.
Skill, effort, and motivation are such crucial components.
Make sure to have plenty of all three of them.
Is there someone you met and connected with?
Did you keep the relationship going?
Maybe distance is an issue?
Maybe time management is an issue?
If you meet someone you connect with,
do not waste this rare opportunity.
Find a way to keep it going.
Good friends don't come every day.
Do you wish for someone to change?
How is that going for you?
What's the reaction when you suggest it?
Ever thought of what you can change?
Yes, you, yourself, on your own, no one else...
You cannot control what someone else does.
Hoping others do, puts you in the back seat.
If you want to choose the direction, you need to drive.
Do you work with your family?
Why, or why not?
Does it have merit to do so?
Where are the down sides?
Would there be regret in any way?
Working with family is hard.
Working with family can be rewarding.
Not every family is meant to work together.
Chose wisely.
Which things are you pushing along?
Which relationships do you hold on that you should not?
Which boundaries do you not set, that you should?
Which decisions do you not make, that you should?
What do you need to get into action?
Who do you need to support you?
Get moving and take the steps.
Staying stuck and complaining is miserable.
Miserable for you and those around you.
Are you sure about something?
Is that based on assumptions?
Or have you confirmed it?
Did you ask:
The person you think doesn't like you?
If people like your work?
The previous employer of a candidate?
We assume more in life than we want to admit.
And we assume falsely a lot more than we want to admit.
How do you rate your current situation?
How do you rate your current mindset?
How do others rate your situation?
How do others see your mindset?
We are not good at self-judgement.
This applies to our situation as it does to our mindset.
Ask people how they see both.
Some outside persepctive is a game changer.
What things do you do for the good of a group?
What things do you do purely for your own good?
How do you know which is more important?
The group or you?
Most of us do something that we despise, for the good of a group.
It is a constant weighing.
Try to find things you enjoy and that are good for a group.
You do not have to force anything upon yourself.
There is a place for individualims within collectivism.
How seriously do you take things?
What is your reaction to your misfortunes?
How do you react to your friends' misfortunes?
Laughing is wholesome.
Laughing heals.
Particularly in hard times, banter and laughter save the day.
After a good laugh, problems are easier to solve.
You relax and start to see the opportunities.
Do you wear multiple hats in life?
Are you an entrepreneur?
Are you a parent?
Are you a sibling?
What is more important to you?
Where do you spend the most time?
Now answer again what is more important to you.
Find the balance between money and relationships.
If you do not, there will be consequences.
Is there a skill you need to hone?
A skill that you despise?
A skill that you are bad at?
A skill that your work requires?
A skill that would serve you well?
Does learning them frustrate you?
Some skills require repetition to become good.
Repetition is frustrating.
Repetition is hard.
There is no shortcut, so repeat till you don't need to any longer.
How accurately do you judge how others feel?
Do you relate others' behavior to yourself?
How often do you do this?
How often is a colleague at fault when you feel down?
How likely is this different for other people?
We are terrible at judging how others feel.
We tend to relate their mood to ourselves.
When people act weirdly they struggle.
Stop putting yourself at the center.
Are you unhappy with your situation?
Why not change it if you are?
Are you worried it could get worse?
In the face of this, it might not seem so bad after all?
Humans don't like uncertainty.
They tend to prefer certain misery.
Certainty breeds mediocrity.
What do you have to lose?
Only your life, if you chose certain misery.
What lies do you tell yourself?
Why do you tell them?
How can you stop?
We humans are very good at lying to ourselves.
We pretend we need to do things.
We pretend that all is well the way it is.
Pick one lie and be honest to yourself.
That is a great start.
Want to start something new?
Do you have the capacity for it?
If not, what do you do?
Is there something you can let go of?
Often, to start something new, something old has to go.
Your attention is precious and finite.
Your time is precious and finite.
Allocate it accordingly.
How do you decide if to do something alone or not?
Why do something together?
Why do something alone?
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb
Together you can often achieve bigger things more easily.
Alone you are faster and can capitalise on opportunities ruthlessly.
Together you have the support of peers.
Alone you have more autonomy.
What is the right way for you right now?
Who is in your inner circle?
Who do you spend the most time with?
Do you like these people?
Do your values align?
Do your goals align?
Do you get energized by them?
Your time and attention matter.
Who you give these to matters.
Choose carefully who you let into your life.
The wrong people can wreak havoc.
This is a great idea!
Do you fall in love with your ideas?
Do others love them too?
Are you told they suck?
By whom?
Do they have the authority to do so?
How confident are you in yourself?
Some of the best ideas in history were unpopular.
Some of the smartest people in history were deemed crazy.
Some great ideas are repeated again and again.
The only way to know is to try.