When are you frustrated?
Why are you frustrated then?
How do you react to your frustration?
Frustration shows that you care.
Frustration shows that you want more.
More quality, more progress, more results.
Frustration will show you your values.
Frustration can guide you forward.
How do you learn?
Is this the best way for you?
What would be the best method?
What did you pick up easily?
How did you do it?
We all learn things differently.
What works for you won't for others.
And vice versa.
Find your way and hone the method.
How often are promises made do you?
How often are you disappointed?
How many do you make?
How often do you disappoint?
Why do you make them?
Why do you not keep them?
Why do others do the same?
We all make and break promises.
Make fewer promises.
Make them for the right reasons.
Do you try to keep things simple?
How is that going for you?
What in life is truly simple?
What in life only seems it is?
How simple are people?
How well do you judge them?
Life is complex and yet simple.
People are complex and yet simple.
No simplicity without complexity.
What new opportunity are you considering?
How do you evaluate it?
Would you stray from your path?
Is it the right fit for you?
Opportunities are thrown at us left and right.
They are presented to us on a shiny platter.
Who doesn't love a great deal?
Yet a great deal for whom?
Remind yourself of your chosen path.
Does the opportunity lie on this path?
Or will it take you down into a valley?
How well do you keep order?
How quickly does your disorder spread?
Can you contain disorder in one area of your life?
What is the tipping point in your disorder?
Disorder is like a plague.
If you let it rage in one area, it will spread everywhere.
Beyond a tipping point, cleaning up is agony.
What do you worry about most?
How you want to be?
What you want to do?
What you want to have?
Be, do, have is the order of importance.
Yet, we turn it around.
We compare what we have with others.
We then worry about professions.
Who then cares about who they are?
How often do you have a bad day?
How do you feel then?
How do you behave?
How patient are you with others?
On bad days we can be horrible people.
Are you hard on yourself then?
It is ok to have bad days.
No one is a great person every day.
Being the bad one here and then is part of life.
How do you learn things?
Do you try to understand?
Do you just try to know?
Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, or Kinaesthetic?
Everyone learns differently.
Each situation requires a different depth.
Sometimes we learn by memory.
Sometimes we need to understand.
How good are the questions you ask yourself?
When do you ask them?
How often do you pose the questions?
Your life is as good as the questions you ask.
Not just of other people, but also of yourself.
Why do you do what you do?
What brings you joy?
What drives you?
There are many more. Go ask them.
How do you take others' negative reactions?
How does it make you feel?
How do you react to it?
Why did you perceive it as negative?
We receive reactions to our actions daily.
We perceive many as negative.
We take most of them personally.
Not all are negative, and most are not personal.
How do you remember people from the past?
What do you expect when you meet again?
How do expectations and reality compare?
Had you known, what would have changed?
People can change, a lot.
Often they actually do given enough time.
Be careful what you expect.
Be open for what might be.
How do you weigh up Love with Money?
Is this possible?
Do you actually want to do it?
Why would you want to?
You cannot replace love with money.
You can use money to buy time.
Time is an ingredient for love.
Quality time is the currency to create love.
How `good is your initial impression?
How important is others' initial impression for you?
Where does the initial impression matter?
Initial impressions are crucial.
Crucial in anything we do.
Be it when we write something,
when we present something,
when we meet new people.
Put some effort into it, practice it, impress.
How do you view life?
In either/or terms or in both/and terms?
Which way has reaped better results for you?
Why could that be?
We tend to think in black and white, either/or terms.
However, life is complex, and both/and thinking trumps.
Most things come in polarities, pairs of opposition.
Usually, we cannot easily choose one, but work with both.
How much has Fortuna smiled upon you?
How much in comparison to others?
How envious are you of others?
How grateful are you for it?
There is always someone more lucky than us.
There is also always someone less lucky than us.
Your challenges are a field-day for someone.
Your challenges are also a disaster for someone.
How does time pass you?
How does this depend on your situation?
How does this depend on your thoughts?
How effective do you use your time?
Time can pass by insanely fast.
Time can also creep by like a snail.
Things can be intense, too intense.
Things can be rather boring.
Time is what we make of it.
How do you respond to a task well done?
With someone you work with?
With your children, partner, or parents?
With yourself?
We tend to focus on criticism.
The drive for constant improvement.
Do you honor a job well done?
Do you communicate this enough?
What happens when you take a step forward?
How do people react to it?
How does it make you feel?
How do you react to it?
The evolution of yourself calls upon barriers.
Part of this evolution is to break through these.
This will challenge your confidence.
This will challenge your resolve.
It is a sign of taking the right step.
How do you react to feedback?
How does it make you feel?
Does it make you anxious?
Do you get defensive?
What is there to worry about?
Defending yourself shuts down the opportunity.
The opportunity to learn, improve, and connect.
Stay open, even if it is hard.
Take it in, and reflect on it later.
Beware, not all feedback is worthy to take by heart.