Do you look to history to project the future?
How well does that work for you?
On a macro, micro, and personal level?
How does it influence your decisions?
Projecting the future is difficult, very difficult.
We get it wrong most of the time.
One bad experience is not an adequate amount of data.
With enough data points, history is a good source.
After all, history never repeats itself, but it rhymes.
How happy are you to come home?
What makes you happy?
What makes you unhappy?
Do you feel at home where you are?
What do you need to change?
We often stay in places for too long.
We often stay in places for the wrong reasons.
We are often afraid of change,
albeit we really need it.
What do you expect from the future?
How do you feel about the future?
Are you anxious about the future?
The future can ever promise one thing,
and one thing only: surprises!
All you can do is trust in fate.
Be prepared for whatever happens.
See the opportunities and take them.
Fear of the future will do you no good.
Who in your life is holding you back?
How do they hold you back?
Why do they do it?
Are you actually aware of it?
People can hold you back a lot.
Even people who are close to you.
They don't necessarily do it out of malice.
They may be scared, perfectionistic, pessimistic,...
They may do it consciously or unconsciously.
What matters is that you realize it,
and cut off the shackles.
When did you last take a step back?
What happened after you did so?
Why did you take the step back?
Often we need to take a step backwards,
in order to move forward again.
Sometimes several steps.
Particularly if we are on the wrong trajectory.
Do not underestimate the power of a step back.
How well do you follow through on your plans?
Why do you you stop?
For good reasons?
Out of fear?
Lack of motivation?
We often do things with a plan in mind.
Then we do not follow through.
Later what we did seemed daft.
Sometimes the plan was rubbish, so we stopped.
Often times we stop for the wrong reasons.
laziness, fear, overwhelm, other's opinions.
What is your plan today?
How often are you surprised?
How often was it foreseeable?
Should you have expected it?
Why did you not?
We regularly are surprised,
by foreseeable events.
Sometimes multiple times,
by the same old thing.
Reflect on your surprises.
And learn to expect the foreseeable.
How does your mood affect others?
Are you aware of these effects?
How does your mood change your behavior?
How much control do you have over your mood?
Our behavior changes depending on our mood.
The way we treat others also changes.
Should your mood be an excuse for this?
Even if it is hard on some days,
try to not let it affect your behavior.
You are in control of what you do.
Who have you not seen in a while?
Do you miss them?
What is stopping you?
Are these things really so important?
People are not here forever.
Make sure you spend time with them.
One day they will be gone forever.
And you might be left with regret.
Instead of beautiful memories.
How do you communicate?
How well do people understand you?
Do you speak explicit or implicit?
Are you impolite or polite?
Direct yet polite is the way.
You do not need to be impolite to be direct.
You do not need to be complicated to be polite.
Say what you mean.
Which of your problems have disappeared on their own?
Which problems could have done so, had you left them?
Which problems have blown up because you left them?
Not all problems are created equal.
And not all are worth our attention.
And some will go away by themselves.
Learning how to identify these is bliss.
What can you ignore today?
Why are some people overly nice to you?
Is their behavior warranted?
Or are they overdoing it?
What could be their goal?
Are they like this to everyone?
Some people use niceness to get things.
Usually to get them from you.
How often do you fall for this?
How often do you point your finger?
Are you quick to do so?
How clean is your own house?
What is the consequence of pointing your finger?
Often, we point our finger at others...
...yet we are none the better!
Being harsh on others is like a boomerang.
It will come back.
Only when your house is clean, will there be little consequence.
So, how clean is your house?
How readily do you embrace change?
How often do you resist change?
How long does resisting it work?
How well do you execute change?
Many changes in life are inevitable.
If you refuse, life will force you at some point.
Forced change is painful.
Voluntary change is beautiful.
How much do you know about neurodiversity?
Who do you know, that is different?
How tolerant are you to people who are different?
Are you able to see their strengths?
A lot of people's brains work differently.
Autism, dyslexia, ADHD etc.
This makes them better at certain things and worse at others.
This makes them have different perspectives.
How can you harness these?
Which challenges keep repeating?
Which problems do you face again and again?
Which type of person keeps getting in your way?
Why do these things keep repeating?
Certain things keep repeating themselves.
The same kind of person comes along and causes havoc.
The same type of problem comes again and again.
Life will throw these challenges at you, till you learn.
Till you learn how to behave, to say no, to avoid certain people...
If you don't it will keep coming.
How often do you stand your ground?
How often do you budge?
How do you know what is the right move?
If you budge, by how much?
Often, the right move is to stand your ground.
You ask for what is fair and that's that.
Sometimes budging is the right move.
Sometimes you ask for more, so you can budge.
The same is true for agreements.
Agreements are there to be kept, if they can.
If they cannot, then what do you do?
Which personal precautions do you take?
How can you ensure you continue to perform?
What areas do you neglect?
Will these come to haunt you in the future?
Precautions pay off long term.
Neglecting yourself now will cost a multiple in the future.
Invest in yourself and keep your machine well-oiled.
It is like a car, do maintenance before things break.
Broken parts cause huge costs.
Are you prone to helping others?
How often is your help actually needed?
How often do you make things worse?
Why did your help worsen the situation?
We are fast to decided someone needs our help.
Often, we don‘t even ask and just interfere.
Do you like receiving unrequested help?
People need to want help for it to be effective.
How often do you engage in a discussion?
How do you conduct them?
How is it different to a debate?
Why do you engage in a discussion?
Discussions are not about being right.
They are for sharing and learning.
They can bond people.
They can move people apart.
Not everyone is able to have a discussion.