How do you react to rejection?
Why do you react this way?
How can you leverage rejection?
How could you react differently?
Rejection can be difficult to take.
Some of us receive more than others.
Some of us can take it better others worse.
Our experiences in life directly affect this.
Rejection is feedback - so we can improve.
Rejection does not define you.
Will the rejection matter in five years?
Try something new
How often do you try new things?
Why do you try them?
Why don’t you try them?
How does it make you feel?
Trying new things is enriching.
How much is very individual.
For some, it is a big step.
Others do it easily.
Yet some, do it too often.
Truth or not?
How easily do you believe people?
How much of what you read is true?
How often do you tell the truth?
Why is anyone compelled to lie?
Most of what we are told is incorrect.
Some is altered on purpose.
Some is altered accidentally.
Greed, laziness, incompetence, distress etc.
Those are some reasons for it.
When it's important fact check everything.
Recognition… why oh why?
How much do you do for recognition?
How often do you receive resentment instead?
How does this differ when you do things for other reasons?
Why is recognition important to you?
Often we expect recognition in some form.
Rarely, will we receive the recognition.
We will often receive hatred, envy or resentment instead.
Recognition is rarely a good reason for anything.
Recognition is an external motivation.
Look for an internal reason, like joy in the task.
Friends in Flux
How much do you cherish friendship?
Does friendship or career come first?
How many friends have you lost so far?
Which of these do you truly miss in life?
People come and leave our lives constantly.
Some of them stay till the end.
Our lives are in constant flux and flow.
Not everyone is adequate for every situation.
Also, your friends go with the flow:
"Friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime."
Hotel Room Anxiety
How much do you worry about your hotel room?
Do you worry with good reason?
What is it you worry about?
How much can you do in preparation?
All of us have had horrid hotel experiences.
For some of us, they ruin the next one.
We will enter the hotel with anxiety.
Anxiety so overbearing that the room is inadequate.
Which processes can you put in place to mitigate?
How can you lower your anxiety?
One day by One day
How often do you worry about yesterday?
How often do you worry about tomorrow?
How well have you planned today?
How focused are you on today?
You cannot change yesterday, it is over.
You cannot change tomorrow, it is yet to come.
You have full control over today.
Focus on today to change tomorrow.
Strive to be better today than yesterday.
The only competition is you against you.
Yesterday against today
Min and Max Pain
How large is your pain threshold?
How much pain do you need to get going?
How much does pain affect your patience?
How much does pain affect your quality?
Pain is fuel for our engine.
If there is not enough, we stay lazy.
If there is too much we drown.
Patience is pain endurance.
Quality is pain utilization.
What was your last obligation?
How did you feel about it?
Why did you feel that way?
Was there anything useful about it?
We are presented with countless obligations.
Many are put upon us by others.
Most, we do not want to do.
However, some are useful to us.
Obligations can force us to do them.
Which of your obligations lead to positive consequences?
Be brave
What was your last brave action?
When is a brave action appropriate?
When should you choose the safe option?
Do you take enough brave actions?
Most of us do not take enough brave actions.
We over-think and under-act.
To progress you need to move.
Many instances require courage of you.
To be brave is not easy, yet essential.
However, knowing when to go safe is crucial.
Brilliance in drought
How brilliant are you at what you do?
How well do others understand this?
How well are you communicating?
How complex is the topic?
Often, the best people have little work.
And the mediocre have full books.
Brilliance can easily suffer a drought.
Excelling is complex like a habitat.
Yet all it needs is a lack of one thing to kill it.
A drought will kill any ecosystem.
The allure of opportunity
How easily do opportunities sidetrack you?
When does the allure of them strike strongest?
How often are they worth pursuing?
What are the consequences when not?
Opportunities often lure us off our path.
Like that mushroom in the forest, by the path.
Sometimes, they are worth the detour.
Often, they simply are a distraction.
Sometimes, they might also define your path.
Are you sure of your destination?
How easily do opportunities sidetrack you?
When does the allure of them strike strongest?
How often are they worth pursuing?
What are the consequences when not?
Opportunities often lure us off our path.
Like that mushroom in the forest, by the path.
Sometimes, they are worth the detour.
Often, they simply are a distraction.
Sometimes, they might also define your path.
Are you sure of your destination?
How much does your mood swing?
How strong do other people swing?
Why do these swings occur?
What else in life is like a pendulum?
Life is a pendulum.
People are a pendulum.
One day we may be on a high,
the next we experience a low.
Don't fret the pendulum,
for it swings forth and back.
For you, for me, for them, for everyone.
How much effort do you spend on your home?
How well can you relax at home?
How well can you cook at home?
How well can you sleep at home?
Our home is where we spend the most time.
Yet, many of us do not optimize it.
Yet, optimizing it is easy.
A good bed, good curtains, a good kitchen, etc.
Do you want to be at your best?
Whom could you forgive?
How terrible is the deed?
Why might you be inclined to forgive?
How often do you forget as well?
What is the consequence of this?
Forgiving people is pure bliss.
Yet. never forget.
Forgetting leads to repeat offences.
Often, the ones we need to forgive the most,
are the ones that will not change.
Where were you born?
In which country?
Into which family?
With which physical features?
If you read this, you probably won life's Lottery.
Not many of us win in all categories.
Yet, if you are born in the developed world,
you have a huge head start.
If you have a nice family, little can rattle you.
If your appearance is appealing, you will be adored.
Don't squander what the universe has given you.
Which problems are you solving right now?
Why are you solving these problems?
Are they your problems?
If not, what do you get out of it?
Often, we have problems pushed onto us.
These are not our responsibilities.
Nor do we suffer consequences from them.
We let this happen for many reasons,
we want to help,
we feel responsible,
we can't say no,
Make sure you have a good reason.
What happens when you truly relax?
When do you tend to get your best ideas?
Do you do this enough?
Do you relax enough?
When we relax we tend to have ideas.
While we shower,
While we meditate,
While we have a massage,
While we watch a sunset,
To remove your problems you need solutions.
Solutions come through ideas.
Therefore, relax more often.
Where do you practice abstinence?
Why do you practice it?
Where else could you practice it?
Why do you still stick to these habits?
Most of us practice abstinence somewhere.
Alcohol is just one substance where you can do it.
It can also apply to activities, thoughts, and people.
With Abstinence you choose the long-term over the short-term.
You choose development over pleasure.
You choose health over toxicity.