Do you read?
Why not? If yes, do you read enough?
Have you set up your environment for it?
Where do you keep your books?
Do you plan reading time into your day?
Have the right space, optimised for reading.
Put books in places where you wish to read.
Environment and planning are the key.
Read what is important to you.
Read to understand, speed is secondary.
Are you content in all areas of life?
Where are you not?
Why not?
How much effort do you put into it?
Where is it on your priorities list?
What can you do tomorrow to improve?
What can you outsource and delegate?
Priorities and effort can often be enough.
Make a plan and execute and repeat.
One step at a time.
Do your actions reflect your values?
What do you do every day?
Do you do the things you say are important?
Do you really?
What things are on your calendar?
The reality of what we do is often radically different to what we say we value.
You can change by doing what you value.
Take the action today.
What is stopping you?
Do you pay attention to cycles?
Are you moving through cycles?
Do some habits come and go for you?
Does your financial situation move in cycles?
Does your health move in cycles?
Life happens in cycles.
Financial markets work in cycles.
Economies work in cycles.
Everything works in cycles.
Watch the cycles.
How do you define good enough?
Do you go by quality?
Do you go by costs?
Do you go by time spent?
Do you strive for perfection?
Often, we tend to overdo it.
We spend too much money and time on things.
Learn to know when something is good enough.
Stop there and move on.
Someone's comment sets you off.
What triggered you?
Was it uncalled for or toxic?
Does the person do it frequently?
Do they mean ill every time?
How well reflected are they?
What is the result of you getting triggered?
People will make toxic comments.
Don't let these stray you from your path.
Why is that guy looking at you?
Is he looking at you strangely?
Why is he looking at you?
Ok, back up a bit.
Are you sure he is looking at you?
Are you sure his facial expression is hostile?
You are not the center of attention.
Most people are too busy with themselves to worry about you.
Even if you get funny looks, why care about it?
Your plans have worked like a charm...
and then at a certain point everything goes wrong.
And not because of your wrong doing.
Life is balance.
No matter how great or terrible things are going.
They can change just around the corner.
Every decision you make, every action you take is a gamble.
Don't take success or failure for granted.
A storm is approaching.
What do you do?
You cannot change the storm.
You cannot divert the storm.
All you can do is to prepare for it.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
And when it is here, put on your raincoat.
And go out and do your best.
Who do you work with?
Why did you pick these people?
Why did they pick you?
Was it experience?
Was it skills?
Was it character?
Was it impact you bring?
Does simply seeing them make you happy?
Is working together fun and productive?
Pick your coworkers and partners carefully.
Are you aware of toxic substances around you?
Do you read what you eat?
Do you look into what makes you smell good?
Do you think about what you drink?
We have poisoned our own environment.
Toxic substances are everywhere.
A strong perfume can make you feel dizzy.
Pay attention to what you let into your body.
You are your most important resource.
Are you having a crap time?
How do you deal with it?
Are you told to stay positive?
It is fine to name it by its name, a crap time.
Staying optimistic is important.
You have the power to change it through your actions.
Staying positive is like sticking your head in the sand.
Own the crap time and get on with beating the odds.
Do you feel rushed?
Where does the feeling come from?
Are you rushing yourself?
Or is someone else rushing you?
Do you have a good reason to rush?
We tend to rush things we do.
Sometimes we are just impatient.
Sometimes others are pushing us to rush.
Take a moment and review, if rushing this is really in your own interest.
Are you going through hardship?
How hard is it for you?
Are you the only one?
How hard is it for others?
How does your struggle compare?
Our struggles can seem enormous to us.
The hardships can be exhausting.
However, many others manage much worse.
If they can, so can you.
Do you resent someone?
Why, what happened?
What did you do to contribute?
Could you reconcile?
Is the person important to you?
What would need to happen?
If the person were to die soon, would that change anything?
Often, we resent someone for good reasons.
In the grand scheme of life, those reasons might be minute.
Our ego can stand in the way of reconciliation.
Don't wait till it is too late.
Do you enjoy helping others?
How much of it do you do?
Do you overextend yourself?
Helping others is amazing.
It produces feel-good hormones and makes us happy.
However, know when to stop.
Striking a balance between your energy and helping others is the key.
Don't let yourself be taken advantage of.
Is something deeply disturbing you?
Maybe a traumatic event?
Maybe a difficult time you went through?
The death of a loved one?
The betrayal of a friend?
Write about it!
What happened?
How does it make you feel?
What effects does it have on you?
What did you learn?
What did you wish were differently?
Do this regularly and you will know bliss.
Is the past holding you back?
Why so?
Did someone betray you?
Did someone hurt your feelings?
Did you make mistakes?
Why are you ruminating about it?
The past is the past, dwelling on it will ruin your future.
Learn from the past and move on.
Every time you spend time in the past, you stop moving forward.
Move forward!
Are you serious all the time?
Or can you have some fun?
Can you be humorous?
Also in serious situations?
Everyone deserves to have fun.
More so in times of stress.
Go out with friends.
Do not resent your missfortunes.
Have a laugh about them.