"Between stimulus and response there is a space"
"In that space is our power to choose our response."
"In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor Frankl
We tend to skip the space and respond immediately.
Take a breath and enjoy the space.
The space in-between is more powerful than you think.
It is your only true power, to choose how you respond.
Cherish the space and grow.
What is the next step?
And then what is the next after that?
Does the step feel too big and daunting?
Which is the right next step?
Do you worry about your next steps?
Will I reach my goals with the next step?
Focus on the next step.
Make the next step nice and small.
If it is in the wrong direction, not much is lost.
Continuous progress through a continuous process.
Do you encounter different cultures regularly?
How do you go about this?
Do you do some research?
Do you announce your ignorance right away?
How do you react to other's behaviour?
In Germany, it is polite to finish your plate...
In Japan, it is an insult to the host.
And they will keep feeding you till you stop eating...
Ignorance is not always bliss.
Do you volunteer?
Do you do anything for the sake of helping?
Why not?
Are you too busy?
Too busy with what?
Do you get joy out of helping others?
Can you buy that joy?
Helping by doing is more joyful than leveraging money.
Volunteering is an important ingredient of health.
Volunteer more and be happier.
Do you not try things...
...because you could fail at them?
Would you regret not trying?
Would you loathe yourself for not trying?
Why are you scared of failure?
Is not trying the same as failing?
Not trying things that are important to us,
out of the fear of failure,
is the same as failing.
So what do you have to lose?
How do you react to another person's emotions?
Do you take them onto yourself?
Or can you discern them away from you?
Can you emphasize with the other person?
Can you let their emotions take their course?
Can you be quiet in the face of them?
Emotions are human.
If someone is emotional there can be thousands of reasons for it.
We do not need to take on the other persons emotions either.
Empathy and stillness are the key.
#familybusiness #emotions #dailythoughts
Do you cherish best practices?
What do you like about them?
What do you not like about them?
How easily applicable are they for you?
How specific is your situation?
Have you defined your situation properly?
We tend to look for best practices as solutions.
Often, they are not applicable however.
Specific situations call for specific solutions.
Best practices work for replicable problems.
Did something not work out for you recently?
How did you feel?
Why did it not work out?
What is the consequence of it not working?
What do you need to change in response?
Things don't work out for a reason.
Often, we are not ready.
Often, we need to think bigger.
Sometimes, we need to think smaller.
Find the right changes for you and create an advantage.
Have you had chance encounters?
Did you manage to capitalize on them?
If you did not, why not?
How do you evaluate chance encounters?
How do you know if it is an opportunity?
How do you know if it is a threat?
Often, we need to act fast to capitalize on them.
However, some chance encounter are threats.
Learn how to evaluate them quickly and take the decision.
Did you witness someone make a stupid decision?
What was stupid about it?
Why did they decided that way?
How would you have decided?
What information and knowledge do they have?
What information and knowledge do you have?
What situation were they in?
What situation are you in?
People have different resources, information, skills, experiences and situations.
Don't judge before analyzing everything.
Maybe it was not as stupid as you think.
Do you conduct experiments?
Do you treat decisions as an experiment?
Which decisions can you turn into experiments?
Can you turn a project into a series of experiments?
Experiments are tests with low risk for you.
You do them to test your thoughts and ideas.
You do them to help you in decision-making.
Why don't you do experiments?
Go do more experiments.
What are you prepared to sacrifice?
Which choices are you prepared to make?
Which consequences are you ready to shoulder?
Which responsibilities can you afford?
With every decision you make, come sacrifices.
Every yes comes with a hundred nos.
Responsibilities, consequences, and choices are all forms of sacrifice.
Choose carefully which sacrifices you are happy to make.
This will impact your decisions for the better.
Do you excuse yourself frequently?
I am sorry for...
... anything that is actually quite normal?
How do people react to it?
How does it make you feel?
Have you tried saying thank you?
Thank you for waiting.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for the patience.
Showing appreciation to the other party goes a long way.
Excusing yourself is a degrading exercise for yourself.
Where do you feel at your best?
When you are at home?
When you are at the office?
When you are traveling?
When you are on holiday?
Who is around you when you feel great?
What is your environment like?
Our environment is a key ingredient.
So is the people we have around us.
And the place we are at.
Do you carry stuff around in you?
Shameful secretes?
Assumptions about someone?
Strong emotions?
Ideas you want to share?
Perceptions you are not sure about?
Talk to people!
Get these things off your chest.
Before they drive you nuts.
You will feel better when you can share them.
But pick the people you share with carefully.
Not everyone deserves to be invited.
Do you have a hard time remembering things?
Are you easily stressed?
Are you stressed often?
Do you have a hard time to calm your nervous system?
Do you fail to remember stressful situations in particular?
When we are stressed, our memory does not work well.
When you are in stressful situations try to take notes.
Your memory is likely to fail you later.
Have you set new yearly goals?
Are you excited by what you aim for this year?
Do you have big plans?
Have you achieved things last year?
Do you wish to build on them?
Do you worry you might drop habits you have established?
How do you ensure you build on what you have achieved?
Often, we are so focused on new things, that we forge to maintain.
Habits you have successfully established should be built upon.
Introducing too many new goals, can jeopardize what we have achieved already.
Are you trying to leave something behind?
Are you ready to move forward to new waters?
Have you mde the decision to do so?
And after you did, has the past come knocking?
And knocking some more?
And some more?
Life can give us a challenge at crucial times.
Just when you want to take an improtant step something will come up.
If you are truly ready, you will take the step anyway.
If you are not, you will stumble.
Can you be yourself with others?
How easy is being yourself for you?
Can you be yourself with some people and not with others?
Why is that?
What are you afraid of?
What do you expect if you are yourself?
Are there memories that fuel this?
It is important to be yourself with people.
Waiting to show your true self is a waste of time.
It wastes your time and the other person.
And it will attract the wrong kind of people.
Be yourself.
How much do you do?
How many projects do you have?
Why do you do them?
How enjoyable are they?
How large is their potential?
Which are your top 3?
Which ones could you stop doing?
Where can you reduce your time and effort?
Often, we do too much.
Too many projects, too many activities, too many habits.
And most of them will keep us away form what truly matters to us.
Do less to achieve more.