Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What do you feel entitled to?

Why do you believe you are?

How does it feel to expect nothing?

Why shackle yourself with entitlement?

Believing you are entitled to anything,

is like shackling yourself.

For those who feel entitled become victims.

Those who expect nothing are truly free.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How tired are you?

Why are you tired?

What could you change?

Being exhausted hampers your progress.

It also hampers your contentment.

And it makes your decisions worse.

Do you eat well?

Do you sleep enough?

Is there mold in your flat?

Do you drink enough?

And so on...

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


You are facing a huge problem.

What do you do?

What is the optimal solution?

How can you tackle the issue?

Big problems are daunting.

So much so, that we freeze.

Often, there is a simple first solution.

This action will create freedom to move.

Freedom to work on the optimal solution.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How do you react to others struggling?

Can you show compassion?

Can you support them?

Do you get annoyed by it?

Why do you react the way you do?

We all struggle at some point.

We all have our demons to fight.

Some days it is worse than others.

Have patience when it is a hard period.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you know your limits?

How often do you challenge your limits?

By how much do you challenge them?

The right amount or too much?

Knowing your limits is important.

Challenging them even more so.

Too much may have dire consequences.

Challenge yourself just a little every day.

This ensures sustainable growth.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How often do you postpone taking action?

Why do you usually postpone tasks?

What is the consequence of it?

Postponing can have terrible downsides,

jet sometimes the upsides are amazing.

The secret lies in why you postpone.

Does doing it feel wrong?

Or are you overwhelmed?

Or are you too demotivated?

When you want to postpone,

ask yourself why,

take control of what you do.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How busy are you?

What does your calendar look like?

How much do you value productivity?

How much are you alone?

Do you take time for yourself to just be?

We fill our days, with all kinds of activities.

Some more active and some passive.

How often do you sit with yourself?

Take time to ponder upon your existence.

It is a valuable exercise often done too little.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How easily can you concentrate?

Does your concentration get broken often?

How do you react to it?

Can you get back into it quickly?

Do you respect others' concentration?

Getting concentrated is hard.

Getting concentrated takes time.

Breaking others' concentration is disrespectful.

Honor the focused state of mind,

for it is what reaps results and happiness.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How often do you get stuck in a rut?

Doing the same thing again and again?

Are you getting the results you want?

Are you able to recognize it?

How soon? And do you act on it?

We tend to get stuck in a rut.

In a rut that reaps no results.

But the rut is comfortable.

It is familiar to us and makes us cozy.

Get out of the rut. Try something new.

For the rut leads nowhere anyway,

so what is there to lose?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How do you handle hardship?

How do you feel while dealing with it?

How do you view hardship?

We all experience hardship.

Some more and some less,

yet still we all do.

We tend to moan about it.

We tend to avoid it if we can.

Hardship is a resource.

It is the pathway to improve.

Fall in love with your challenges.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What ripple effects does your action have?

What ripple effects does your decision have?

Have you seen ripple effects unfold before?

Many events have unforeseen ripple effects.

Ripple effects that influence many people.

That influences whole ecosystems.

The batting of a butterfly may cause a tornado.

How can you cause better ripple effects?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What does saying yes cost you?

How much financially?

What other costs are there?

Have you thought about these before?

Saying yes to a project has more than financial costs.

Opportunity costs: what else do you need to say no to?

It will cost you time.

It might cost you reputation.

It might cost you relationships

It might cost you peace of mind.

It might cost you your values.

Consider the full spectrum carefully before committing.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How do you react to bad news?

What emotions come up for you?

When bad news hits you,

take a moment and stop yourself.

Stop yourself from pessimistic thoughts,

stop yourself from unreflected actions.

For every pessimistic thought,

create an optimistic one.

With this you create balance.

With this you create options.

Options lead to better decisions.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


You can see a disaster unfolding...

What do you do?

You can see a solution clearly,

yet you cannot stop it.

How do you deal with this?

Often we can only watch it unfold.

Many things we cannot control.

Other people do what they want.

Often to our detriment.

Watch it unfold and deal with the consequences.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How do you react to hate?

Hate towards you?

Hate towards others?

Your own hate?

We encounter hate everywhere.

There is no hiding from it anywhere.

What is the origin of hate?

Have compassion for the hater.

For they hate themselves just as much.

And more hate breeds more of it.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What did you decide in the past?

Is the decision still valid?

Why did you decide this way?

What has changed since then?

Most decisions are not eternal.

You are not obliged to finish what you started.

You can stop, if you accept the consequences.

What awaits you when you change trajectory?

What awaits you when you hold the path?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


You hit a plateua, what do you do?

What goes on in your head?

Why did you hit a plateau?

Is it worth overcoming?

Plateaus are part of improving.

Improving at anything you do.

Sometimes it is a matter of more practice.

Sometimes it is a matter of different practice.

Sometimes you just need a break.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How important are you?

Who are you important for?

What is your contribution?

Why should you be important?

Our lives are unimportant,

in comparison to the world.

To the time the world has been around.

To the amount of other people.

To the impact we can have.

We are not as important as we think.

Be of service to whom it makes a difference.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How sentimental are you?

When do you show emotions?

How much do you show?

Maybe too much?

Maybe too little?

Who do you share them with?

Sentimentality is subjective.

When, how, and who to share with -

all a personal preference.

Think about how much to share,

with whom and when.

Not everyone will cherish your sentimentality.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


When are you frustrated?

Why are you frustrated then?

How do you react to your frustration?

Frustration shows that you care.

Frustration shows that you want more.

More quality, more progress, more results.

Frustration will show you your values.

Frustration can guide you forward.

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