How does reaching a goal feel?
Is it like you imagined?
How often are you disappointed?
What intentions did you have setting out?
We often have grand fantasies about a goal.
We often get disappointed once we get there.
Our imagination led us by the nose.
Be careful what you wish for.
And be careful what you chase.
How well do you know your relationship dynamics?
With your partner?
With your employees?
With your family?
How do you behave around certain things?
Why do these dynamics unfold?
We often have inefficient behavior together.
Often this has a simple reason.
And often there is a simple solution.
Take the time together to look into it.
How much do you spend on your health?
For which treatments?
Why did you choose them?
What else could you do?
Is it cost and time-effective?
After we have neglected our health,
we try to fix it by employing money.
Most things we spend said money on are ineffective.
The most effective things are simple:
Sleep, relax, eat well, do sport, and laugh with friends.
Simple right?
How do others talk about you?
Why do they talk this way?
What are the consequences for you?
How does it make you feel?
Some people will bad mouth you.
Some people will praise you.
And for most, you will know why.
And it will still raise emotions in you.
Some will hurt, some will comfort.
Why make things hard for yourself?
Why do what you struggle with?
Why focus on your weaknesses?
Why not do what is easy for you?
Why not focus on your strengths?
Why not stop the things you hate?
What things do you carry around?
Which of them is positive and which is negative?
And how much of it do you give to others?
Can you give, what you do not have?
Hate, love, compassion, judgment etc.
We cannot give to others what we do not have.
This applies to every trait and baggage we carry.
If you judge yourself, can you be empathetic?
If you criticize yourself, can you be compassionate?
Which trauma can you pass on, if you have none?
When can you best concentrate?
What type of tasks?
What place is optimal for you?
Why, why, and why?
Not all tasks are equal,
nor all places,
and neither all times.
Do what you are good at,
where you are good at,
and when you are good at it.
Which problem are you struggling with?
Is there no solution coming to you?
Did you try inversing the problem?
Solving for the opposite?
Inversing the problem is often easier,
than solving the actual problem.
Solving for the opposite changes perspective.
It will show you what you have missed so far.
If you want to improve something,
think about ways to make it worse.
How much do you bottle up?
How easygoing are you?
Why do you behave this way?
How does it play out for you?
Being easygoing is overrated.
Keeping your cool all the time more so.
Bottling up is not healthy.
Regulating emotions is good when needed.
At times you need to let out the beast.
And better when it is young than fully grown.
Are you in the right place to be?
The right place for your career?
The right place for your social life?
The right place for your hobbies?
The right place for your relationship?
Is there a right place for you?
Or do you carry your problems with you?
How often do you make others feel appreciated?
Why do you do it?
Why don't you do it?
How do you feel when you do it?
Do you feel appreciated yourself?
Nothing brings more joy than making another smile.
Yes, you do this too little too rarely.
We can all do more appreciations.
You too.
How do you feel when something breaks?
Why did it break?
Do you still need it?
What new space has been created now?
Things break all the time.
Everything that breaks leaves space for something new.
What could this new thing be?
Find the opportunity in the damage.
How much do you share?
With whom?
What is your goal?
What is the result when you share?
Sharing is often important.
Sharing too soon,
or with the wrong person,
can burn your fingers.
How open should we be?
It depends on the person and your goal.
Pick carefully what you share with whom.
How much trust do you pay forward?
Where should we draw the line?
With strangers?
With friends?
With colleagues?
With business partners?
With family?
Knowing how much to trust can be tricky.
Often we need to pay it forward.
The fickle part is to know how much.
Better a bit too little, than too much.
Too little we can usually fix.
Too much is often too far gone.
How well do you listen do advice?
How well do you select whom to listen to?
Have they got relevant experience?
Will they suffer any consequences from your actions?
Why should you listen to them?
People love giving advice.
Advice that serves them.
Advice that is based on opinion.
Advice that is irrelevant to your situation.
Be careful who you listen to.
Ask the right people.
How well do you know your boundaries?
Do you communicate them to others?
How well does that work for you?
Have some people used it against you?
Some people will use your boundaries against you.
Here you should set internal boundaries.
Known to you, not know to them.
And with some, you can communicate them.
Learn to discern these people and act accordingly.
What does fun mean for you?
What activities do you enjoy?
Which people can you have fun with?
Who is not fun?
And which activities are not fun?
Fun and play are integral parts of a content life.
If we have too little fun, life gets bland.
Life is too short to be bland.
Do what is fun, now and again.
Who did you used to be?
Who are you now?
Who do you want to be?
How is the place you are in affecting this?
We usually develop and change.
We are not anymore who we were.
And we want to be someone else to now.
People from your past often see you how you were.
People from your present may keep you who you are.
Be aware of this and fly.
How much memorabilia do you hold onto?
Why do you have the ones that you do?
Do you limit how much you have?
What and whom do you remember by it?
We hold onto all sorts of trinkets and objects.
We believe we need them to remember.
But do you really need them?
And are all the memories important?
What do you prioritize?
The urgent or the important?
Your personal tasks or what others impose on you?
What is your responsibility?
We tend to do more of the urgent work.
And too less of the important work.
What is important right now?
Do that and ignore all else.