Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What is your money for?

What utility does money have for you?

What are meaningful endeavors to spend it on?

What is pure consumerism?

Who might you be able to support?

Money is a tool.

Money has a use.

Money can get you somewhere faster.

Money can make things easier.

Money can also destroy you.

Use it wisely for what is important to you.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Are there days, where you just don't perform?

Particularly at something you are great at?

What do you do?

Do you get frustrated?

Do you force yourself to try harder?

Performance is not a straight line.

There are days when we simply do not perform.

Try a different task.

Work on another project.

Take a rest.

Change it up and create value elsewhere.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What is your limit?

Do you try to overcome your limits?

Why are you trying?

How are you trying?

How often do you try?

Which limits?

When do you respect your limits?

Breaking through our limits is crucial.

By how much is the question.

Do not overdo it.

Take a rest from time to time.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you verify the information you get?

Is the information complete?

Do you discover the origins?

How many hands has it passed through?

How was it attained?

By whom?

What agenda do the people have that published it?

We tend to believe information at face value.

We tend to take it as factual.

It is important to be diligent about the information we receive.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Is there something you want to change?

When is the right time for the change?

Do you wonder how to go about it?

Is the change really the right one?

If you want to change something, just do it.

If you fret about the timing for too long.

Time will make the pain go up.

Up and up, till there is no other option.

Change on your terms, now.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you rate your output?

Do you rate your input?

What is more important?

Do you rate them on quality?

Do you rate them on quantity?

Output and Input can easily get skewered.

Often it is the quality of what we do and get that counts.

Quantity can be misleading.

Be wary to assess yourself accordingly.

Learn from it and do not bash yourself.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Which social norms do you adhere to?

Why do you adhere to them?

Have you ever questioned that?

How much do they influence your decisions?

Your decisions are shaped by social norms.

More than we would like to think.

Morals, ethics, fairness, adequacy etc.

Be aware of this when you make a decision.

Is the decision really right for you?

Or is it what is socially acceptable?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What would you do if you had a year left to live?

Would you do the same things you do now?

Would you keep seeing the same people?

Would you live in the same place?

What is missing in your life?

What is there too much of?

Sit down and think about it.

Start making the changes now.

Don't wait to regret it later.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you live well?

Do you live above your means?

What do you need to live well?

What is important to you?

How much do social norms impact this?

How much does your neighbor impact this?

Or your colleague at work?

Or your friends from school?

It is up to you to decide what a satisfying life is.

There is no right or wrong.

Tailor a life to your needs, not others.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How reliant on others are you?

How many people do you depend on?

How well did you choose them?

How much do their decisions affect you?

Why are you not independent?

How can you become self-sufficient?

Being in a position of dependence is awful.

Some opportunities only exist in co-dependent ways.

Choose the people wisely.

Remember what being a child was like.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you trust your advisors?

Why do you trust them?

In what do you trust them?

What are they responsible for?

Is your problem also their problem?

How important is your problem for them?

An advisor is a tool. They are good at what they do.

They will not keep an eye on everything.

That is your responsibility.

Ask the right questions of the right people.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How often do you make a mistake?

Once, twice, thrice?

Does it differ for the type of mistake?

Why do you make some mistakes more often?

Is it even a mistake anymore then?

Do you learn from them?

Once is a mistake, twice is a pattern or habit.

Breaking patterns and habits is hard work.

Patterns and habits are not about learning, they go deeper.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How important is a person to you?

Do you try to distinguish people consciously?

How do you go about it?

Why would you do it?

We only have so much attention we can offer.

We only have so much time that we can offer.

Choose carefully who you give this to.

Imagine someone dying tomorrow, how do you feel?

Use this to distinguish between people.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What is your goal?

Behind what you do?

Behind what you say?

Behind your decisions?

Are your goals conscious?

Are your goals even worth it?

Or do you operate unconsciously?

Which biases may affect your goals?

Operate from a place of authenticity.

Do the things for the sake of doing them.

Enjoying the process beats running after a goal.

Are your goals even worth it?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


In what state do you make decisions?

In what emotional state?

In what physical state?

How good are your decisions in extreme states?

How good are they in a balanced state?

When we are in an extreme state, we make bad decisions.

Try to be more balanced before you do.

Learn to calm yourself and,

Understand how to pick a better moment.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you give your best?

When do you give it your best?

What is worthy of your best?

Why don't you give something your best?

Why do something and not give it your best?

How does it feel if you give your best?

Can we really always give our best?

Not giving your best in a commitment is depressing.

We do not choose all our commitments.

Give your best where it counts.

Give your best as much as you can.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Do you limit yourself?

By what you expect of yourself?

By what you believe you can achieve?

By who you believe you can be?

By what you believe others think of you?

By what you did in the past?

By what your family expects from you?

What would happen if you stopped limiting yourself today?

Build that legacy.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


How many chances do you give?

How many mistakes do you forgive?

How often do you turn a blind eye?

When do you say "enough is enough"?

Once or twice is fine, more often, it is a pattern.

Patterns should not be forgiven.

Patterns should be broken.

Cannot break a pattern?

Why should you suffer it further?

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


Are you stressed about your stress?

Do you worry your health will be impacted?

Do you worry about what it will do to your performance?

Do you worry about the effects on your relationships?

Does this stress you even more?

Is the worrying helpful?

What could you do to improve the situation?

Studies have shown that worrying about your stress is poison.

It is worse for you than not worrying about it.

If you are worried about it, then do something about it.

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Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati Daily Thoughts Octavian Pilati


What did it cost you?

To gain the knowledge that you have?

To gain the experience that you have?

To gain the skills that you have?

To gain the character strengths that you have?

How did you get there?

What did it cost you to become who you are today?

That is what your brand is worth.

That is what your service is worth.

Are you charging accordingly?

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