How much work does success take?
How much time does success take?
How large are the results?
Consistency is the key in your process.
Paydays often don't happen consistently.
We need to work diligently on things.
Time then brings the results.
The results then seem sudden and large.
Which opportunities did you miss?
Which of them do you regret not taking?
What is that regret doing for you?
Which new opportunities did you miss due to regret?
"When one door closes another door opens;
but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell
Move on quickly and keep your eyes open,
otherwise, it seems like the door never opened.
Who are you loyal to?
Whom of those should you be disloyal to?
Are you loyal to people who have wronged you?
Let go of those who harmed you.
Be disloyal to those who drag you down.
Be loyal to yourself.
Be loyal to your future.
Do you tend to force things?
How well has that gone for you?
Why do you do it?
We tend to force things that we want.
Often, the outcome is a disaster.
Sometimes things may need that push.
When someone is not ready, beware.
People may say yes and then act the opposite.
Pressuring them may come to bite you.
Do you have an exit plan?
Out of a business partnership?
Out of a romantic partnership?
Out of a friendship?
Agree on exit plans with your partners.
Not many things last forever.
Disputes happen, and feelings are hurt.
Defining an exit plan for everyone helps navigate this.
When is the time to start?
Could there be a better time?
Should you start right now?
Does your plan need more work?
Start now, right now.
Start with however you can.
Quality or quantity does not matter.
You will figure it out on the way.
Good luck, it is part of the game.
How do you plan?
Do you make a detailed plan first?
And then you go into execution?
Or do you plan and act, and repeat?
We are often taught to plan in detail.
And then execute the plan.
Real life is more about planning iteratively.
Plan and act and repeat till the goal is reached.
How important is winning for you?
When and where is it crucial to win?
When and where is it less important?
Do you always play to win?
Knowing when winning is important is crucial.
Knowing when it is unimportant equally.
Don't burn yourself on trivial matters.
Work to win when it matters.
What makes you really angry?
Why do you get angry?
Who can make you very angry?
Why do they make you angry?
The things we get angry about, we care about.
The people that make us angry, we care about.
If a friend or family member lies to you,
it is worse than if it is a stranger.
How do you perceive yourself?
Do you oversell your achievements?
Do you undersell your achievements?
Being overly boastful will bite you in the future.
Being overly humble will bite you now.
Being confident in your ability is hard work.
Achievements are facts, so communicate them.
Leave the ratings to the others.
What is the value of your work?
What do you charge for it?
What do people pay for it?
What do people pay your competitor?
Is that worth as much?
Price and value are two very different things.
Worthless things can be expensive.
Valuable things can be cheap.
Be valuable and be expensive.
Trust in yourself.
How well do you keep your structure?
How well do you keep your boundaries?
Does it all disintegrate sometimes?
When and why does it disintegrate?
We all have some sort of structure in our life.
We all experience chaotic and hard times.
We all lose ourselves in these times.
It is normal, be kind to yourself and get back on track.
The same applies to others.
Short-term gain or long-term gain?
What do you prioritize?
What are the consequences of either?
Usually, we need to choose one or the other.
Short-term gain leads to long-term loss.
And vice versa.
Sometimes one is the right option,
Sometimes the other.
Be sure to know what your goal is.
How positive are your interactions?
What is the ratio between positive and negative?
Is this different depending on the relationship?
Should it be different?
To be perceived as neutral you need 2:1 in a work setting.
Thriving work relationships have a 3:1 ratio.
To be perceived as neutral in love, you need 3:1.
Thriving relationships have a 6:1 ratio.
The Losado ratios of life.
What is a theory?
Does life follow a theory?
Do theories explain what is happening?
How are theories derived?
Trial and error are the best teachers.
Trial and error drive innovation.
Theories try to explain what trial and error discover.
Don't get stuck on theories.
Go and do, experience and learn.
How many different projects do you have?
Do you alternate between them?
How enjoyable are they?
How exhausting are they?
Do you alternate between them?
Variety is important.
Mix up your projects.
Alternate between enjoyable and exhausting.
There is only so much you can push through.
Do you spend time alone?
Do you enjoy time alone?
What do you do when you are alone?
How do you feel when you are alone?
How do you feel after a period of solitude?
We spend so much time around people.
If not physically then digitally.
Regular solitude is crucial to resetting.
Do you have mood swings?
Are you in a bad mood and don't know why?
Good news leave you cold?
Or can you be in a good mood for no reason?
When bad news hits you brush them off?
Do you beat yourself up over these swings?
It is normal to have these swings, they are part of life.
Plan your days accordingly.
Have compassion with yourself.
Have compassion for others and their swings.
What is your BATNA?
Do you know it when you negotiate?
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.
Do you have the information you need?
Never go into a negotiation without knowing it.
Your BATNA gives you the minimum for a potential agreement.
With it, you know when to walk away.
Are you more proactive or passive?
Which do you prefer?
Which do you think is better?
Sometimes it is better to be proactive.
Sometimes it is better to be passive.
Proactivity can send you down a rabbit hole.
Passivity can leave you behind or in a put position.
When is which of the two the right option?
How do you go about carrying it out?