Where do you practice abstinence?
Why do you practice it?
Where else could you practice it?
Why do you still stick to these habits?
Most of us practice abstinence somewhere.
Alcohol is just one substance where you can do it.
It can also apply to activities, thoughts, and people.
With Abstinence you choose the long-term over the short-term.
You choose development over pleasure.
You choose health over toxicity.
Do you tend to ask for things?
How do you react to what you are served?
How easily do you accept without complaint?
Why not ask for a change politely?
We often are dealt things in life, we do not like.
Many of us accept what we are given without question.
Everyone has different tastes, so ask for a change.
The worst that can happen, is that it is not possible.
Euphoria or Dysphoria,
Which is your modus operandi?
Do you go from one extreme to the other?
With which one do you tend to lead?
We will often be initially excited,
and then end up in catastrophic thoughts.
Or the other way around.
We might obsess about what can go wrong,
to jump into excitement at the first good news.
Look for the golden middle and stay settled.
Only then will neither good nor bad news sway you.
How flexible can you be?
How important are plans for you?
How well do you follow plans?
How well do you react to change?
Change is all around us.
Change will affect us and our plans.
How much are your plans at change's mercy?
We control little of what happens.
Be ready to change plans when needed.
Not every change warrants a change of plan.
What could happen, that is a matter of time?
Which things are you ignoring right now?
What is bound to happen due to that?
Which things in life are inevitable?
Many things in life are just a matter of time.
We can do nothing about some of these.
Many events however we can anticipate.
And some are within our control to prevent.
So what is there you can prevent?
What do you need to do?
How do you react to political opinions?
How do you react when they are extreme?
How does this impact your opinion of a person?
How important is politics to you?
Different opinions are nothing unusual.
How different they are can matter.
It is hard to accept people with extreme views.
Especially, when they are close: family, friends, or colleagues.
Sometimes it is a reason to distance yourself.
Often, it is better to agree to disagree.
How much is age difference a problem for you?
How do the opinions of people older or younger than you differ?
How much does this differ with the age difference?
How do you deal with the issue?
The higher the age difference, the more we may struggle.
Times change, and opinions often do not.
You can easily fall into this trap too.
Remember how you felt with your elders.
This is how the younger might feel about you.
Can you adapt your opinion to changing times?
How much do you help others?
How much resources can you afford?
Do you tend to give too much?
How do you tend to feel afterward?
We often exploit ourselves.
We listen more than we want.
We spend more time than we should.
We spend more money than is wise.
This leaves us exhausted.
Sustainable help comes from wise allocation.
Which hardships are recurring?
For you and for others?
Whom can you help with your experience?
Who can help you with theirs?
The same hardships repeat around us.
If we pay attention we can,
prepare for when it strikes us,
help others after we experienced it.
Helping with your experience is fulfilling.
What do you remember?
Do you remember all your good deeds?
Do you remember all your bad deeds?
How do you remember your deeds in general?
Our memories are faulty.
Influenced by biases, past experiences and whatnot.
Many of our deeds we will forget.
However, others will remember, for better and for worse.
Apologize where and when necessary.
Accept gratitude where and when appropriate.
Who might surprise you?
What would you least expect from someone?
How do you expect them to behave?
What might they be hiding?
We usually missinterpret people.
This is why we often get surprised.
In both the negative and positive.
Play the game of audacious imagining.
And more often you might find a golden nugget.
How do you perceive the quality of your performance?
How often do you find your work exceptional?
How often are you wrong?
How often do you find your work not good enough?
How often are you wrong?
Our perception of our performance is often skewed.
In the end, our opinion does not matter.
Who is the work done for?
That is who decides the quality.
What do you not permit yourself?
Where do you hinder your imagination?
What do you stop yourself from doing?
What do you refuse to say?
Often, we restrict ourselves.
Yet, what purpose do these restrictions serve?
Are they externally motivated?
Have these been engrained into you?
What is the worst that can happen,
if you permit yourself,
permit yourself to do, act, and be you.
How often do you write letters?
How can you say the unspeakable?
How can you speak with the deceased?
How can you turn back time?
Often, we have things to say,
things that are hard to say,
things that are too late to say,
things that need to be said.
Write a letter to say them.
Write a letter to the deceased,
to those who won't listen,
to those you cannot speak to.
What makes you feel ashamed?
How do you feel when failing?
What if it is something easy?
Failing can trigger shame,
particularly if we perceive it as easy.
But was it really easy for you?
Why does it trigger shame?
Shame is often caused by anxiety.
Anxiety about what others will think.
Ask yourself, if you care about that.
Which ghosts are mentally haunting you?
Which hypothetical disasters do you imagine?
Which people's potential actions?
Which possible consequences of your decisions?
Our mind's capacity for imagination is endless.
You can use it for problem-solving and creativity.
Or you can use it to torture yourself.
Who else knows best what you fear than you?
Is that a good enough reason to scare yourself though?
Do you let people run into a trap?
How do you decide who to warn?
When is it your responsibility?
For what reasons should you warn?
We will often see people headed into a trap.
Often, we have no connection to it.
Outside observers often see these traps easily.
How do you know you should get involved?
Making this decision can be painful.
Imagine yourself in their shoes and decide.
What is more important:
A person's behavior?
A person's values?
A person's character?
What shows you more, who you can trust?
Only because someone is nice to you,
it does not mean he intends well.
Just because someone is rude to you,
it does not mean they aren't trustworthy.
Behavior, character, and values do not need to align.
They rarely align.
The main ingredients to gage a person are time, time, and time.
What do you dislike?
What do you struggle with?
What have you tried to improve?
What has not gone so well?
You can put lipstick on a pig.
However, it will still be a pig.
Things you dislike and struggle with,
won't magically be better.
Not even if you shift your mindset,
not even if you pretend something,
not even if you get help.
They will still suck, accept it.
How easily do you make friends?
How many childhood friends do you have?
How many adult friends do you have?
What is important to make a friend?
Most of our friends are from childhood.
Adult friendships are a different ball game.
There are three main ingredients:
Vicinity: how much time can you spend together?
Timing: are you at the same place in life?
Energy: what energy do you have together?